Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day One Without the Fam

I woke up this morning feeling depressed and melancholy. The entire crew left for a homeschool convention – I thought I should have been invited, after all, I was schooled at home, too! But maybe they were afraid my bowl would slosh all over their van if they took me.

Anyway, I was feeling pathetic and sorry for myself when I woke up. No flakes or shrimps this morning – no NOTHING in fact. Of course, I knew I wouldn’t starve to death, but it is rather an uncomfortable feeling knowing that you usually have a lovely full tummy at this time of day and you won’t have that feeling again for such a long time! I tried to satisfy myself with some of the green fuzzy stuff that floats around my place, which was gross, but better than nothing.

After I had moped for a few hours, I made up my mind to make the best of my weekend alone! I wrote out a list of things I plan to do:

1. Talk on the phone for hours
2. Drive the car
3. Play outside
4. Eat junk food
5. Go to the mall
6. Meet a new fish
7. Have a birthday party
8. Watch movies all night
9. Bake cookies
10. Read comic books

I’m sure I’ll come up with lots more ideas, but for now I am so excited! This is going to be great! I plan on spending all day today simply writing out my lists, getting things in order, and then getting a good night’s sleep so I’ll be ready for tomorrow. I think I’ll order out pizza tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Well I must say... you are a very creative fish Twilight! A list and every thing! * shakes head * I hope you didn't make yourself sick!


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