Friday, May 28, 2010

Day Two Without the Fam

After the Fam left yesterday, I felt free to enjoy myself. The first thing I did was move my bowl to the living room. Next to the phone. I have an idea I’ll be needing to use it quite a bit this weekend.

I then took a tour of the Fam’s new kitchen, which they unobligingly never even bothered to show me. I really like the new blue tiles, it looks very ocean-y. If the Fam ever troubles themselves to ask me my opinion, I shall tell them I approve.

As it was getting late, and I was hungry, I decided to order the pizza. This turned into a disaster, which I will relate. First of all, the guy at the delivery place couldn’t understand me because I was in the water and he was not. I tried to make it work by pulling the phone into the bowl with me, but, well, after that the phone didn’t work at all. It never will again, either. So I had to move to another phone, which took a lot of time. But I got the pizza guy again, and this time I had to talk outside of my bowl. Which was difficult because every time I ran out of breath I had to dive back in for a little bit, and then the guy on the other end would get confused and I would have to start all over.

I did get it taken care of eventually, and the pizza came about half an hour later. Unfortunately I hadn’t counted on not being able to reach the door knob, and then not being able to open it when I could reach it. The delivery guy had to set it on the door step and leave, and by the time I had opened a window and gotten out, some neighbor had come by and helped himself to my pizza! I mention no names.

I was frustrated at this point, and decided to forget the pizza and try to find where Emily keeps my shrimps. I found them. They’re in the refrigerator. It’s cold in there. I guess I would rather not remember that particular experience, if that’s all right with you.

Well, next on my list was “Watch movies all night”, and I just sat down and did that. I watched Anne of Green Gables. All three of them. The whole shebang. It was very exciting, because I am never allowed to watch movies otherwise. I can’t say I enjoyed the movies; they were somewhat girly. But I enjoyed basking in the knowledge that I was doing something off-limits. What fun!

In case my readers are disappointed in my lack of obedience and training, you must remember that my mother never trained me and taught me right from wrong. And my owners, bless their hearts, never thought they needed to teach me. So it is not my fault at all. I remain unrepentant, and plan on going to the mall today.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day One Without the Fam

I woke up this morning feeling depressed and melancholy. The entire crew left for a homeschool convention – I thought I should have been invited, after all, I was schooled at home, too! But maybe they were afraid my bowl would slosh all over their van if they took me.

Anyway, I was feeling pathetic and sorry for myself when I woke up. No flakes or shrimps this morning – no NOTHING in fact. Of course, I knew I wouldn’t starve to death, but it is rather an uncomfortable feeling knowing that you usually have a lovely full tummy at this time of day and you won’t have that feeling again for such a long time! I tried to satisfy myself with some of the green fuzzy stuff that floats around my place, which was gross, but better than nothing.

After I had moped for a few hours, I made up my mind to make the best of my weekend alone! I wrote out a list of things I plan to do:

1. Talk on the phone for hours
2. Drive the car
3. Play outside
4. Eat junk food
5. Go to the mall
6. Meet a new fish
7. Have a birthday party
8. Watch movies all night
9. Bake cookies
10. Read comic books

I’m sure I’ll come up with lots more ideas, but for now I am so excited! This is going to be great! I plan on spending all day today simply writing out my lists, getting things in order, and then getting a good night’s sleep so I’ll be ready for tomorrow. I think I’ll order out pizza tonight.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am Sad!!!!!!!

Why? because my owners are leaving on Thursday for the whole weekend. And I have no one to feed me! :'(

Also I need some money, for a new filter and such. But I can't earn any money 'cause I'm a FISH!!!!!!!!!

That is why I'm Sad. *Sniff*

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Poem of Bubbles

I wrote a poem this morning while I was eating my flakes (flakes put me in artistic moods), and I wanted to share it with all of you:

Bubbles in my mouth
Rising to the top
Wobbling on the way
Until they all pop

This is a picture of one of my friends; his name is George. He is studying to be a minister, but he will pose for me once in a while. We've had some fine conversations!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Adventure in Duluth

I went on a business trip today, to the International Underwater Photography Conference in Duluth, Minnesota. After breakfast (no freeze-dried shrimp this time, a great disappointment), I flew over to the conference center in Duluth. It was a huge place, and if I hadn’t had a map, I never would have found the person I was looking for – David Doubilet.

I have followed Mr. Doubilet’s blog for years, and admire his skill, especially in regards to photographing sharks. Sharks are fascinating creatures, aren’t they? They’re like the cavemen of the sea. Anyway, I found my way to Mr. Doubilet’s booth, where he was giving a lecture on underwater lighting technique. He also showed us the type of camera he used. Unfortunately, he was outside my bowl, and I was inside, and I never got to hear a word he said. I also had had hopes of meeting this fine man and maybe even getting his autograph on a photo I have of his, of a group of killer whales. It’s a gorgeous picture. But he didn’t even notice me. I think he’s rather stuck up, and he’s no longer my hero.

I went home after a few hours. The conference was a letdown in general, as I was unable to meet any one, and no one took the slightest notice of me. I think I’ll stay away from such gatherings from now on.

Click the bubbles to visit David Doubilet's webiste and see some amazing photos. (They're still amazing photos, even if Mr. Doubilet isn't my hero any more.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Few Details

Hello again!

Here is some more info that I forgot about yesterday; every morning when Emily gets out of bed, I immediately swim to the top for my breakfast. Also, whenever Emily is feeling especially happy, she will give me a treat! Usually it has a freeze-dried brine shrimp in it, unappetizing for you, yummy for me!! Well that is all!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hello, everyone, and welcome to my blog! This is all very new for me, and I am delighted to be here.

The fact that you are reading this must mean you are interested in me. I am very grateful for your attentions, but I shall strive always to remain humble. It shouldn't be difficult; fish are about the humblest creatures on earth.

My goals for this blog are extensive, and I have no wish to bore you with their description. Allow me to simply state that I, as a fish, am often mistaken for leading a worthless, miniscule sort of life. I hope to reveal otherwise through my posts.

Again, I thank you for your flattering considerations in reading this. I look forward to introducing you to my Life in a Fish Bowl!